WEEK 22 A | The Healing Art

All are but parts of one stupendous whole, Whose body nature is, and God the soul. ~ Alexander Pope

Human beings are creatures of habit. Mind is creative. The art of knowing how to heal oneself and others lends itself to the Master Mind Experience offering us a whole new perspective on mastering control of not only the conscious mind but, more importantly, those marvelous faculties which operate on the subconscious planes through a more practical means of developing mental power and efficiency by perceiving the true nature of our emotional behavior patterns (old blueprint vs new blueprint).

The concept of fearlessness as an offering challenges us to see how our inner human revolution can evolve into a blueprint for world peace. Our emotions allow us to see and affect the change needed in our behavior, actions or relationships.

Opportunity follows perception, action follows inspiration, growth follows knowledge, eminence flows progress. Always the spiritual first, then the transformation into the infinite and illimitable possibilities of achievement.

Adding a Drop of Joy

By adding a drop of joy to anger, an alchemical reaction occurs, transforming anger into courage. Courage is the ability to act to correct an injustice, even if we do not have all the answers yet. It is the willingness to be wrong in the pursuit of what is right. Adding another drop of joy transforms courage into passion.

Peace Be The Journey! Mahalo sharing The Master Key Experience #MKE

Expressing abundance is a new habit (the new blueprint) that I’ve acquired during this incredible MKMMA course as I focus daily on constructive, harmonious language, feelings, and memories of Abundance. If I wish desirable conditions, thus I can only afford to entertain only desirable thoughts. The Law of Growth, what we think about grows, what we forget atrophies. Hold in mind a condition desired; affirm it as an already existing fact. Success is service. We are the Source of that success that gushes forth as soon as we let it and allow ourselves to comprehend that success is service. Keep giving to keep growing!

Haanel 15-3: Difficulties, inharmonies, and obstacles, indicate that we are either refusing to give out what we no longer need, or refusing to accept what we require (the old blueprint). True power does not crush others because it helps them see their own greatness and how to leverage their resources of a sustainable life design. But perhaps most instructive of all is the daily routine…Gratitude. Kindness. Belief. ♥ Give More Get More ♥You are Nature’s Greatest Miracle ♥ I make my own weather ♥

You are nature’s greatest miracle, and so very precious and powerful beyond measure. Your marvelous self will never be found within until you let go of the past and step into the unknown.  Go for it!  Haanel 18-10: It is the recognition of Natural Laws that has enabled us to annihilate time and space, to soar in the air and to make iron float, and the greater the degree of intelligence the greater will be our recognition of these Natural Laws and the greater will be the power we can possess.

As I place myself in harmony with natural laws I begin to intuitively understand more how to let go of what does not serve me and accept what I require and see myself gain more permanent strength exactly to the extent of the effort required to overcome difficulties. More! Infinitely more to be gained as a self directed thinker experiencing the freedom of my authentic self releasing the bondage of my conditioned self. I am nature’s greatest miracle! A hundredfold or more I can increase my accomplishments of yesterday, and this I will do, beginning today, following my bliss studying the Master Key System , to ‘Increase in me that wisdom Which discovers my true interest, Strengthen my resolution To perform that which wisdom dictates’

Gotta love the effects of the Master Key Master Mind Alliance and the internal leadership it develops. #FireTogether #WireTogether #MKMMA

As indicated by Haanel 22-24: This influence or control over the body by mind is coming to be more and more generally understood, and many physicians are now giving the matter their earnest attention. Dr. Albert T. Shofield, who has written several important books on the subject, say, “The subject of mental therapeutics is still ignored in medical works generally. In our physiologies no references is made to the central controlling power that rules the body for its good, and the power of the mind over the body is seldom spoken of”.

22-25: No doubt many physicians treat nervous diseases of functional origin wisely and well, but what we contend is that the knowledge they display was taught at no school, was learned from no book, but it is intuitive and empirical.

22-26: This is not as it should be. The power of mental therapeutics should be the subject of careful, special and scientific teaching in every medical school. We might pursue the subject of maltreatment, or want of treatment, further in detail and describe the disastrous results of neglected cases; but the task is an invidious one,

and 22-27: There can be no doubt that few patients are aware how much they can do for themselves. What the patient can do for himself, the forces he can set in motion are as yet unknown. We are inclined to believe that they are far greater than most imagine, and will undoubtedly be used more and more. Mental therapeutics may be directed by the patient himself to calming the mind in excitement, by arousing feelings of joy, hope, faith, and love; by suggesting motives for exertion, by regular mental work, by diverting the thoughts from the malady.

We can live more abundantly every time we breathe, if we consciously breathe with that intention. Every time we breathe we fill our lungs with air and at the same time vitalize our body with this Prantic Ether which is Life itself, so that we have the opportunity of making a conscious connection with All Life, All Intelligence and All Substance. This “breath of life” is a superconscious reality. It is the essence of the “I am.” It is pure “Being’ or Universal Substance, and our conscious unity with it enables us to localize it, and thus exercise the powers of this creative energy.

Thought is creative vibration and the quality of the conditions created will depend upon the quality of our thought, because we cannot express powers which we do not possess. We must “be” before we can “do” only to the extent to which we “are,” and so what we do will necessarily coincide with what we “are” and what we are depends upon what we “think.”

My favorite part this week of  Haanel’s Chapter 22-29: This realization and recognition of this Omnipresent power will quickly destroy any and every form of sickness or suffering and substitute harmony and perfection. Then remember there are those who seem to think that sickness and suffering are sent by God; if so, every physician, every surgeon and every Red Cross nurse is defying the will of God and hospitals and sanitariums are places of rebellion instead of houses of mercy. Of course, this quickly reasons itself into an absurdity, but there are many; who still cherish the idea!

Intention governs attention. The more you focus on the presence of what you have in your life, the greater the presence of that abundance becomes. Whatever you may have the highest awareness of,  you’ll summon it into manifestation as it shows itself more and more in your reality. Love what matters!

You are infinite, you are really everywhere, but you think you are the body, and therefore consider yourself limited. If you look within and experience your own soul in its true nature, you will realize that you are infinite and beyond all creation. ~ Meher Baba

Our real strength lies in our capacity for empathy with others and the action we take on their behalf.

Mahalo sharing the Master Key experience and my passion for true health and the visual arts. Thank you for sharing something so precious to us with someone as precious as you!

Meet Our Team – http://mkmmaguide.com


Week 21- The Laws that Govern





6 thoughts on “WEEK 22 A | The Healing Art

  1. Aloha Roz. What a wonderful blog post. You and I were obviously on the same wavelength today. I was reading from book 3 of Neale Donald Walsch’s “Conversations With God” and there was a lot of overlap with what you wrote in your blog. I went there because I was looking for another way of expressing Scroll VI. It suited me down to a T, as did your blog. Mahalo for sharing your thoughts so brilliantly. Yours in Gratitude, Light & Love, Peace & Joy wendyht

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